Chaos reigns in the Boxapixels building as you are in control of the two elevators servicing the building.
The workers are easily angered if they do not get an elevator ride and have to wait even a short while!
This action, logic, puzzle, reaction game will grow and grow on you until you want to throw your phone out of the window!
Some hints to stay sane by:
1. Maximum 3 people in an elevator at a time
2. People get angry while they wait for a ride
3. The “angry-o-meter” shows accumulated anger
4. It’s Game Over when the “angry-o-meter” fills up red
5. 100 points for each person delivered
6. Tap on a level (left or right) to move an elevator to that level
7. Elevators can only move when the doors are closed… of course!
8. Tap on the same level to reopen the doors!
9. Patience, logic and practice are the key to a high score!
10. Better to quickly pick up people or drop people off? You decide.